Erste-Hilfe-Lösungen für schnelle Reaktionszeiten

mobile Erste-Hilfe-Station für schnelle Reaktionszeiten wenn es zu Arbeitsunfällen kommt
Erste Hilfe Tafel für schnelle Reaktionszeiten bei Unfällen
apra-lean Erste Hilfe Tafel für mehr Sicherheit im Unternehmen auch als mobile Prozessstation verfügbar

Whether small cuts, bruises or minor burns - minor accidents rarely happen in everyday working life. This is precisely why it is so important that all the necessary first aid materials are quickly and easily accessible. A well-designed first aid station ensures that you can respond immediately and effectively to everyday incidents at work.

Legal requirements for first aid equipment in the workplace

Legislation sets out clear requirements for first aid equipment. In Germany, the Workplace Ordinance (ArbStättV) stipulates that every company must provide suitable first aid supplies. The professional associations and accident insurance providers
also stipulate the accessibility, labelling and equipment of first aid materials. For example, first aid materials must comply with DIN specifications (13157 or 13169) and be easily visible and quickly accessible.

A first aid station or a corresponding wall-mounted solution fulfils these requirements perfectly and offers companies a legally compliant solution that is practical and effective.

Quick access for everyday incidents

It is often the minor injuries that require quick action - whether in the workshop, in the
warehouse or at the office workplace. The first aid station brings together all the necessary materials - first aid kits, disinfectants, plasters and more - in one easily visible place. This means that employees know exactly where to find the necessary materials when they need them and save valuable time.

Flexible solutions for individual requirements

Every company has different safety requirements. The first aid solutions can therefore be
expanded flexibly - according to the needs of the company. Whether a defibrillator, fire extinguisher, special emergency documents or other safety accessories:
The station can be customised at any time to provide a holistic safety solution that is precisely tailored to the respective working environment.

More safety through structured solutions

A well thought-out first aid station or wall-mounted first aid board solution shows employees that health and safety are taken seriously in the company. Reliable provision strengthens confidence in safety precautions and at the same time promotes awareness of accident prevention in everyday working life.

Safe and legally protected - a good investment in your company

The first aid stations and boards are more than just a practical solution. They fulfil
legal requirements and ensure a safe working environment that is tailored to the daily and individual safety requirements of your company.

Would you like to find out more? Feel free to contact us!

  • apra-lean Erste Hilfe Insel für schnelle Reaktionszeiten bei Verletzungen
  • Erste Hilfe Tafel für schnelle Reaktionszeiten bei Unfällen
  • mobile Erste-Hilfe-Station für schnelle Reaktionszeiten wenn es zu Arbeitsunfällen kommt